Impressions - Relax-Guard

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If you're from Ireland or Northern Ireland, please send with tracking to:

Veneera GmbH
Frohnhofweg 15
50858 Cologne

If you're from the United Kingdom, please send to:

Veneera UK Service
11 St. Edmund's Rd
NN1 5QH Northampton

Or use free retun label (just UK): Return portal

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The impression material is not suitable for consumption.

Avoid direct eye contact with the impresison material. In case of contact, please rinse your eyes with clear water.

While creating the teeth impression, please breathe through your nose if possible.

If you have wobbly teeth, please see a dentist beforehand.

Use at own risk.

Content impression set Blue Arrow IconBlue Arrow Icon

In your impression set you will find:

  • Impression trays
  • yellow and white Puttys
  • Double syringe with mixing tips
  • Counterbite plate
The material is sufficient for a total of 3 attempts. To make your customised Relax-Guard, we need an impression of your upper and lower jaw.


Send a picture of you impression to our support for verification:

WhatsApp: +44 160 4359 865